Projected Regional Growth
  • 积极分子
  • Community Development
  • 辅导员
  • Healthcare Administration
  • 人力资源
  • Government Service
  • Non-profit Management
  • Population Analyst
  • 招聘人员
  • 城市规划

For individuals who

Want to gain a deeper understanding of people and their cultures. 


A discussion-based classroom experience. 研究 experience. A general arts degree that can be used to pursue further 教育, like law school or counseling. 


  • 积极分子
  • 辅导员
  • 人力资源
  • Non-profit Management
  • Population Analyst


Sociologists attempt to develop a better understanding of the way society works. They examine social relationships in institutions like the family, 宗教, 经济, 卫生保健, 媒体, 教育 and government. 社会学 majors develop applied research and analytical skills and a perspective that prepares them to address social concerns. Courses are offered on campus and online. North Dakota State University offers graduate work leading to a master’s degree and frequently has students who pursue doctorates at other universities.

Faculty and Facilities

The faculty in sociology have varying research interests and areas of specialization. The sociology faculty provide expertise in areas such as gender, research methods, social psychology, 教育, social inequality, 宗教, and community development. They employ survey, ethnographic, and experimental design methods. The department contains two social research laboratories.

Career Opportunities

Sociological expertise can be useful in careers that involve community service, research analysis, non-profit organizations, human and social services, urban and regional planning, population analysis, economic or marketing studies, health-related industries, agricultural and rural life advocacy, government administration, and policy research. For more information on sociology employment, refer to the North Dakota State University 社会学 website or visit the American Sociological Association website at http://www.asanet.org.

Internship Program

Students in sociology may apply for the internship program. Students typically complete internships during their junior or senior year. Internship opportunities exist in many agencies in North Dakota and Minnesota and can be done any time during the calendar year. Students who complete internships are able to combine the theoretical and applied aspects of professional preparation. Our students have worked in a variety of settings including human and social services, volunteer agencies, community development, business and industry.


社会学 students explore their interests within the program, including social psychology, social inequality, community development, applied sociology, environmental sociology, 老年医学, and gender issues, by taking classes in the areas of their choice.